29 Aug 2018 by AXXELIS
The Cure for Pharma’s Commercial Productivity Woes
Pharmaceutical companies find it increasingly hard to deliver growth from their in-market portfolio or through product launches. Categories have gotten more crowded, making market share gains harder to eke out. Price increases, the main lever in markets such as the US, are more difficult to impose. Doctors in many developed countries have been moving away from pharma sales representatives as a primary source of learning about medicines; more than half of US doctors, for instance, restrict access for sales reps.
The role of the marketer is changing
PharmaTimes talks to Sabina Syed, managing director, Visions4Health and co-chair of the Marketer of the Year steering group about the importance of the competition against an ever-changing landscape.
Marketer of the Year is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. How has the role of the marketer and the environment they work in changed in that time?
Why “Episodes” Matter for Doctors
Leading pharma firms are making waves in productivity and growth by focusing on customer episodes as a key unit of management.